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  1. Results From The WOW.Com Content Network
  2. This is the latest built-in (default) keyboard shortcuts for folding and unfolding the code. vscode Keyboard shortcut. Ctrl+Shift+[ Fold (collapse) region. Ctrl+Shift+] Unfold (uncollapse) region. Ctrl+K Ctrl+[ Fold (collapse) all subregions. Ctrl+K Ctrl+] Unfold (uncollapse) all subregions.

  3. How to show full-file Git blame in Visual Studio Code

    5. GitLens provides the functionality of full-file git blame. To execute the command: Press Ctrl+Shift+G, followed by pressing only B. Note: When pressing B, do not press the Ctrl and Shift buttons. The command will work correctly in this manner.

  4. in somecases you can try this in vs code, check the left bottom section with profile icon, if you have git account signed in and listed here, right click on the account name and signout. reload vs code and try to sign again with new account. To check current credentials: git config --global git config --global

  5. VS Code itself doesn't have an analogous feature built-in (though it does have something you might find even better)). When deleting files from VS Code's Explorer View, they do go to the system's trash folder by default since version 0.5.0 (see also the files.enableTrash setting. Though I think on some systems there's an exception for deleting ...

  6. How to cleanly remove Workspaces in Visual Studio Code?

    Windows 10. Here's the answer from the Twitter account of Visual studio code: You have just to go to the Explorer section and remove any folder or file in it see the image below: right click in the workspace you'd like to remove and select the "Remove Folder from Workspace" item; the name of the workspace will become: "NO FOLDER OPENED" that is ...

  7. Ok, apparently Microsoft hired Don Jayamanne and he's working on Python and Jupyter for VS Code. And last month they (MS) improved their python extension to support Jupyter notebooks right in the Visual Code together with .ipynb import and export. Get extension here and check blog post how to use it with Jupyter notebooks. UPDATE II

  8. 1). Right click on "ThisPC" or "MyPC" and go to properties. then go to "Advanced System setting". [ you can also find that using SEARCH button ] 2). then click on settings of Performance block. its open another pop-up window in that ,go to the "advanced" option . 3). you can see the Virtual memory section ,in that click on change button.

  9. Select the text you want to automatically indent. Click menu Edit → Advanced → *Format Selection, or press Ctrl + K, Ctrl + F. Format Selection applies the smart indenting rules for the language in which you are programming to the selected text. Step (1): Ctrl + A. Step (2): Ctrl + K.

  10. Ctrl + H - Open replacement window. Not really necessary, can be Ctrl + F. Alt + R - toggle regex. Alt + C - toggle case matching. Alt+Enter - Search Editor: Open Results in Editor. This is where the magic happens, it selects ALL occurrences of the search phrase in the document. F1 - Open command palette.

  11. What this does is it explicitly sets VS Code's "add another cursor" shortcut to option + click (try it out for yourself!), thus freeing up ⌘ + click to be used for the "Go to definition" operation. Conversely, to use option + click as your "Go to definition" shortcut instead, add: "editor.multiCursorModifier": "ctrlCmd",